1 April 2022 The flight of capital from the Russian economy since the invasion of Ukraine has torn many of the finance sector’s arguments against fossil fuel divestment to shreds. In this devastating case of the invasion of Ukraine, investor action has come far too...
Santos’ oil and gas portfolio would halve in value under the IEA’s net zero by 2050 scenario
30 March 2022 Buried on page 40 of Santos’ new Climate Change Report is a damning chart, showing the value of the company’s oil and gas portfolio would drop by around half under the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero by 2050 scenario. Santos projects this fall...
Woodside’s climate ‘plan’ full of hot air
17 February 2022 Reacting to Woodside’s Climate Report released today, Market Forces Asset Management Campaigner Will van de Pol said, “Woodside’s three point ‘plan’ to address its gargantuan scope 3 emissions profile amounts to nothing more than more hot air.”...
Woodside and Santos face shareholder resolutions to manage down oil and gas production
11 February 2022 Market Forces has worked with Woodside and Santos shareholders to formally call on Australia’s two largest, and rapidly growing, oil and gas producers to manage down production in line with a net zero emissions by 2050 pathway. The resolutions, which...
New Hope investment raises shareholder concerns at Washington H Soul Pattinson AGM
10 December 2021 Washington H Soul Pattinson (WHSP) owns 40% of Australian thermal coal miner New Hope, and the two companies share a number of directors, including Chair Rob Millner. New Hope is pursuing the highly controversial New Acland Stage 3 coal mine in...
AustralianSuper members, this is your chance to make an impact at a global scale
2 December 2021 Meet Dylan, an AustralianSuper member who is taking action to ensure the super fund giant is doing all it can to properly manage the risks climate change poses to members’ retirement savings. Supported by the team at Equity Generation Lawyers, Dylan is...
Super funds undermining climate commitments
29 November 2021 Our super funds have had a number of critical opportunities to force companies they invest in to step up on climate action over the past couple of months. Yet our new analysis finds they’ve been squandering these opportunities by voting against...
Super fund ‘engagement’ fails to stop Woodside and BHP pressing go on Scarborough carbon bomb
23 November 2021 Late yesterday, oil and gas giant Woodside announced it had made a final investment decision to go ahead with its climate-wrecking Scarborough gas project, which includes a huge new offshore gas field (Scarborough) and a new onshore gas processing...
The fight has just begun: Market Forces response to Scarborough-Pluto 2 final investment decision
22 November 2021 Reacting to Woodside and BHP’s announcement of final investment decision on the Scarborough offshore gas field and associated Pluto Train 2 LNG terminal, Market Forces Asset Management Campaigner Will van de Pol said, “the fight against the...
Oil and gas producers fail to accept net zero means no expansion
15 November 2021 Australia's oil and gas exploration and production companies are being challenged by shareholders over the incompatibility of their expansions plans with global climate goals. With a number of these companies having held their AGMs recently, a...