Take action
Demand JERA listen to community voices and stop reckless fossil fuel expansion.
JERA poses a significant threat to our climate, communities, and environment.
Japan’s biggest power company JERA, a 50-50 joint venture of TEPCO and Chubu Electric Power, is pushing polluting fossil fuels while trying to brand itself as a global clean energy leader. JERA is expanding fossil fuel projects across its entire value chain, including coal power plants, LNG fields, LNG trading, and LNG-to-power projects. Its operations span the Philippines, Bangladesh, the US, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, and more.
It’s important to note that despite the damaging impacts of their projects, JERA has consistently ignored community concerns and requests for dialogue. This directly contradicts their public commitment to ‘proactive communication with our stakeholders’ and ‘active dialogue with local stakeholders to achieve sustainable development.’
We need you to express your concerns by sending a letter to demand that JERA stop expanding its fossil fuels worldwide and engage in genuine dialogue with community stakeholders so the company can actively support the clean energy transition!
Click the link below to see the full email that will be sent when you fill out the form↓
Please note that the project name will be added to the email when you fill out the project name box in the form. If you have specific projects in mind, we encourage you to add the names!
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