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Westpac’s new climate policy rules out most new coal mines – including Carmichael!
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Media Release: Palaszczuk’s broken promise on QIC Adani trainwreck
Palaszczuk’s broken promise on QIC Adani trainwreck Friday 31 March, 2017: Support to Adani’s rail infrastructure from QIC is in clear breach of Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s election promise not to use public money to prop up the controversial coal...
Aurizon wants to unlock Galilee coal – Take action!
17 March 2017 Aurizon has applied for a $1.25 billion loan from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund (NAIF) to construct the railway link needed to open Queensland’s Galilee Basin to coal mining. And guess what? Your super fund is most likely invested in this...
Westpac tests the patience of ethical investors
9 December 2016 Westpac’s ‘clean and green’ image was shattered today at their Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Adelaide. It started outside the venue where a group of young people presented Westpac with a ‘climate hypocrite’ award for their bankrolling of dirty fossil...
Human rights are great but there’s money to make!
3 November 2016 Downer EDI provides engineering and mining infrastructure services to mining companies. In 2015 it was chosen as a contractor for Adani's proposed Carmichael coal mine in the Galilee Basin. A coal mine that cannot go ahead if we are to give ourselves a...
Aurizon fails to see writing on the wall for Adani and Australian coal
18 October 2016 The Galilee Basin has been one of the biggest flashpoints in the fight against fossil fuels in Australia. There is enough coal in the Galilee to produce a massive 705 million tonnes of carbon each year, which is more than our current domestic...
Renewables lending plummets as Katter calls for coal funding
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Keeping Euros out of dirty coal in Australia
5 May 2014 If we’re going to stop new dirty coal projects getting funded, we need to work both in Australia and internationally. Market Forces is in Europe where, over the next couple of weeks, several banks that are key to new coal export projects in Australia are...
Inside the Aurizon AGM
14 November 2013 Shareholders of quite varying and exotic strains descended on the Aurizon AGM on Wednesday. A colourful and vibrant protest outside suggested that things were going to be a little different from the usual fare of remuneration packages and directorship...