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Frequently asked questions

Where should I put my money?

As Market Forces is an environmental advocacy project that focuses on financial institutions, and not a financial adviser, we don’t make recommendations on where people should put their money.

Rather, we publish information on which financial institutions are invested in or exposed to environmentally damaging activities and put people in a position to make up their own minds.

The information provided is factual information, and not general or personal advice

People should should seek independent financial advice before making a decision in respect of their money.

Which banks don't invest in fossil fuels?

We keep a list of over 120 banks, credit unions and mutuals. You’ll be able to see which banks show up in our research as having loaned to fossil fuel projects and companies, which ones don’t have a record of fossil fuel lending and which banks have issued a statement on their fossil fuel lending policy.

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Which bank is the best one to move to?

We don’t recommend any one bank over another. It’s a personal choice and we recommend you consult a financial advisor before deciding where to put your money.

People will understandably have a lot of questions about rates, fees and accessibility. We can’t answer those questions, which is why once you’ve used our research to find a bank that matches your values on the issue of fossil fuels. You can speak to that bank or an independent financial adviser.

What about my super? How do I know if that's funding fossil fuels?

Market Forces profiles over 70 superannuation funds options, showing their known exposure to fossil fuel companies that are actively undermining climate action. You can find out whether your super fund is investing these companies and use your power as a member to make your super fossil fuel free.

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How much money does Market Forces make by moving customers?


Market Forces’ research and campaigns are independent from financial institutions and we have not received, or sought, any financial gain from our work.

The more people chip in to support our work, the more likely it is that we can keep things this way so we encourage people to join us as a monthly donor, which you can do here.

Who does Market Forces bank with?

Market Forces banks with Bendigo Bank. Market Forces is also an affiliate member of Friends of the Earth Australia, which banks with Bank Australia.

What is your relationship with Friends of the Earth?

Market Forces is an affiliate member of Friends of the Earth Australia (FoE), so we are part of FoE. We have an alignment of our mission and values with FoE, so when Market Forces was created FoE kindly agreed that we could become part of their wonderful organisation.

In addition to being a Friends of the Earth affiliate, Market Forces has its own legal entity, Market Forces Limited.

What is your relationship with other NGOs?

We often work with other organisations on various campaigns and initiatives but that always depends on how well and how much our campaign programs match up. We often talk to and attend workshops and meetings with other NGOs and enjoy being part of a large and diverse movement working on environmental issues.

Are donations made to Market Forces tax deductible?

Donations made through the Market Forces website are not tax deductible. This is because these donations are directly received by Market Forces, which does not have “Deductible Gift Recipient” status.

If you require tax deductibility, please get in touch via [email protected] and we can suggest alternative ways to support our work.

Why doesn’t Market Forces apply to become a charity eligible for tax deductible donations?

At this stage, applying for our own “Deductible Gift Recipient” status is not feasible.

There is an increasing amount of red tape that ties up organisations with DGR status, and we are reluctant to spend any more time than is absolutely necessary on administration when we could be campaigning. The more efficient we can become the more time we can spend on what’s most important – delivering campaigns to protect the environment.

We appreciate all of our wonderful supporters who have not let this influence their financial support, and we thank you for continuing to support our work as we fight for our money to be used for good, not environmental destruction.

If you require tax deductibility, please get in touch via [email protected] and we can suggest alternative ways to support our work.

Who funds Market Forces?

We get our funding from a combination of philanthropic institutions and large individual donors, and a growing community of people who contribute on a monthly basis to support our work. If you’d like to make a donation please visit our supporter page.

We don’t receive any funding from financial institutions or governments.

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