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Stop Adani

Join the campaign to stop Adani’s destructive Carmichael coal mine

Adani’s Carmichael coal project is trashing First Nations land rights, draining critical water resources, risking our already distressed Great Barrier Reef and fueling runaway global warming that threatens all our lives and livelihoods. It must be stopped and the coal left in the ground.

To continue to operate the Carmichael mine, rail line and port, Adani Group will need ongoing insurance and financing. With your help, we can make sure that the companies that provide these services understand that supporting Adani would be a reputation-destroying move. With enough pressure, we can convince Adani to walk away from its disastrous Carmichael coal project for good.

The wins so far

Adani’s Carmichael coal project is hugely controversial. Thanks to a relentless community campaign, Carmichael has already:

Decreased to one sixth of it’s originally proposed size (at least in its initial phase)

Been delayed by around 8 years

Failed to secure any direct external finance, with over 100 major companies, publicly ruling out any direct association with the project

However, Adani Group remains committed to Carmichael and the conglomerate still has support from some laggard banks, insurers and investors.

We need your help to keep up the pressure on Adani. Take action now by sending an email to the creditors and bankers of NQXT to demand they cut ties with Adani’s Australian coal port.

Campaign areas

The Adani List
The Adani List

These are the companies that have either worked on or financed the Adani Carmichael project (mine, rail and/or port) in some way, or have refused to rule it out.

An Adani power plant as seen from the Tragadi fishing community settlement in India. Credit: Stop Adani
Adani Group’s Fossil Fuel Expansions

The Adani Group is pursuing and supporting several massive new fossil fuel projects beyond Carmichael that endanger key climate goals and will fuel more floods, storms, heatwaves and bushfires. See what it’s planning:

Adani group
Adani investors Exposed

Investors and financiers need to know that their support for any part of the Adani Group risks supporting Carmichael coal. We unpack some of the complex web of Adani entities directly linked to Carmichael and name some of their bankers and investors. Find out who is exposed and take action:

AIG insurance protest Stop Adani
Insurance Companies

All major projects require several types of insurance to be able to operate, which usually needs to be renewed every 12-24 months. Find out which insurance companies are open to covering Adani Carmichael and how to stop them:

North Queensland Export Terminal

North Queensland Export Terminal (NQXT – formerly Adani Abbot Point Terminal), Adani’s coal port in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area is essential to the disastrous Carmichael coal project. Take action to stop further financing of Adani’s NQXT:

Stop Adani protest
Who’s out?

Over 100 major companies have so far publicly ruled out being involved in the climate-wrecking Adani Carmichael coal project! Find out who they are:

About the Carmichael coal project

Adani Group’s Carmichael thermal coal project in Queensland includes what could become Australia’s biggest coal mine, a connecting rail line, and the North Queensland Export Terminal (NQXT, formerly Adani Abbot Point Terminal) a port in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

Carmichael will help open up the untapped Galilee Basin to more climate-wrecking mega-mines. Unless it is stopped it could set off a carbon bomb of global significance, fueling the climate crisis right when the need to phase out fossil fuels has never been more urgent.

The Traditional Owners of the land where Adani’s Carmichael mine is being developed, the Wangan and Jagalingou, have not given their Free, Prior and Informed Consent to the project, and continue to resist it.

Title Address Description
Carmichael coal mine
Belyando QLD 4721, Australia
North Queensland Export Terminal
Bowen QLD 4805, Australia
Great Barrier Reef
Mullers Reef, The Percy Group 4707, Australia

Campaign news

23 December, 2022
Adani repays massive coal port debt out of own pocket
19 December, 2022
Lloyd’s and Probitas1492 named as Adani Carmichael coal insurers
4 November, 2022
Austbrokers under pressure due to Adani coal links
6 October, 2022
Coal miners looking to self-insure new climate-wrecking projects

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