

The big banks are funding a huge problem

Despite the urgent need to stop global warming, and the havoc being wreaked on our land, water, air, health and communities, Australia’s big four banks continue to play a critical role in supporting the dirty fossil industry.

As a community, we have the power to change the big banks. But we need you to join our campaign, ensuring your money is used as a force for good.

You can join the movement – put your bank on notice, telling it that if it continues to choose fossil fuels, you’ll choose another bank.


Take action

Tell your bank that if it continues to choose fossil fuels, you’ll choose another bank.

Learn how the big four banks are using your money to

fund fossil fuels

Compare banks

Compare the fossil fuel investment positions of over 106 banks, credit unions & mutuals

Banking climate failure

The broken climate promises of Australia’s Big Four banks


Australia’s climate laggard

ANZ is Australia’s biggest funder of dirty fossil fuels, providing a total of $19.8 billion to the coal, oil and gas industries in the eight years since the Paris Agreement was signed.


Still backing fossil fuel expansion

Commonwealth Bank is Australia’s second biggest funder of dirty fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement, having loaned a total of $16.1 billion to the coal, oil and gas industries from 2016-2023. But unlike the other big four Australian banks, the trend is heading in the right direction for CommBank.


Australia’s most regressive bank on climate

NAB is Australia’s most regressive bank when it comes to funding fossil fuels, having provided the most of the big four Australian banks in 2023 at $1.4 billion.


Funding the world’s climate wreckers

Westpac has provided a total of $9.8 billion to the coal, oil and gas industries in the eight years since the Paris Agreement was signed. What is most concerning are the companies the bank continues to provide or arrange finance for.

Japanese megabanks

The Japanese megabanks MUFG, SMBC Group and Mizuho are among the world’s top financiers supporting the fossil fuel industry.

2023 AGM Season

ANZ, NAB and Westpac continue to undermine their commitments to the Paris Agreement by financing companies that are expanding the fossil fuel industry.

Did you know?

From 2016 to 2023

the Big Banks loaned

$61 Billion

to dirty fossil fuels.

Campaign news

4 September, 2024
Woodside seeking further debt finance to continue with its climate-wrecking gas expansion plans
14 August, 2024
Breaking: CommBank formally walks away from climate wrecking clients
29 July, 2024
Macquarie’s oil and gas lending brings its net zero commitments under fire
16 July, 2024
Big four Australian banks pour $3.6 billion into fossil fuels in 2023

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