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If you are keen to hold companies involved in the fossil fuel industry and their financial supporters accountable for their actions…

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Together we can cut off finance to dirty fossil fuels, and protect our climate. But we can’t do it without your help.

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Why should you get involved?

Because when people demand change, they can achieve it

2023 was another huge year for Market Forces, and together we’ve achieved a lot that we’re really proud of. Here are some campaign highlights…

  • We worked with Gomeroi and Tiwi Traditional Owners to call on Australian banks and super funds to stop backing Santos and its destructive projects
  • After a decade of campaigning, CommBank announced it would no longer lend directly to any new or expanded oil and gas extraction projects! 
  • We worked with shareholders who held major coal, oil and gas companies like Whitehaven, Santos and Woodside to account
  • Hundreds of HESTA members pushed their super fund to live up to its claims of climate leadership
  • We worked with Bangladeshi artists to call out GE’s massive new fossil fuel plans in Bangladesh