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Find out if your bank invests in fossil fuels

How you can make a difference
  1. Use the table below to find out which banks fund coal, oil and gas.
  2. If your bank still funds fossil fuels, tell it to stop!
  3. Share Compare Banks with your family and friends to help them switch to a more ethical bank.
18893 messages have been sent to the banks so far! Send yours and make your voice heard.
NameFunding in 2023Position on funding fossil fuelsTake action
Australia's biggest banks
ANZ$2.6b$35 billion committed since 2016

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Commonwealth Bank$853.2m$23.9 billion committed since 2016. CommBank has restricted its lending to fossil fuel expansion following a 2024 policy update in a huge win for people and the environment, but remaining loopholes mean it continues to finance climate-wrecking coal and gas expanders like APA Group and Glencore.

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Macquarie Bank$1.3b$5.8 billion committed since 2016

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NAB$2.4b$23.2 billion committed since 2016

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Westpac$1b$14.9 billion committed since 2016

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Other retail banks operating in Australia
Bank of China$21.7b$201.9 billion committed since 2016Tell them to stop
HSBC$19.4b$266.3 billion committed since 2016Tell them to stop
ING$18.8b$147.9 billion committed since 2016Tell them to stop
Rabobank$5.8b$31.8 billion committed since 2016Tell them to stop
abal banking (Arab Bank Australia)$549.8m$2 billion committed since 2016Tell them to stop
BankwestN/AOwned by Commonwealth Bank, which funds fossil fuelsTell them to stop
CitiN/AOwned by NAB, which funds fossil fuelsTell them to stop
UBankN/AOwned by NAB, which funds fossil fuelsTell them to stop
Suncorp BankN/AOwned by ANZ, which funds fossil fuelsTell them to stop
Bank of MelbourneN/AOwned by Westpac, which funds fossil fuelsTell them to stop
BankSAN/AOwned by Westpac, which funds fossil fuelsTell them to stop
RAMSN/AOwned by Westpac, which funds fossil fuelsTell them to stop
St GeorgeN/AOwned by Westpac, which funds fossil fuelsTell them to stop
NameFunding in 2023Position on funding fossil fuelsTake action
AMP$0"AMP Bank (...) does not provide business or corporate banking services to industries."Thank them
Adelaide Bank$0"Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
Alex Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Australian Military Bank$0"Australian Military Bank does not invest in or lend to businesses involved in unethical investments or sectors that are harmful to the environment, such as the coal/fossil fuel industries."Thank them
Australian Mutual Bank$0"Australian Mutual Bank will avoid the provision of financial support to individuals or businesses whose activities are deemed detrimental or destructive to the environment, or harmful to members of society. Examples of such activities are: Fossil fuel (coal, oil and gas) projects..."Thank them
Australian Unity$0"Australian Unity Bank does not do commercial lending and isn’t a lender to the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Auswide Bank$0"Auswide Bank does not finance companies engaged principally in the exploration, mining, manufacture or export of thermal coal or coal seam gas. We do not intentionally invest directly in companies specialising in these areas."Thank them
Avenue Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Bank Australia$0"We don’t lend to coal, gas or oil extraction or fossil fuel electricity generation. For several years, we’ve had a strong position on not lending to the fossil fuel industry. We made this commitment in response to our customers’ desire to see us take action on climate change, and the majority of our customers support this position."Thank them
Bank First$0"The fact that Bank First doesn’t make political donations or invest in fossil fuels is reason enough for some Members to choose Bank First.."Thank them
Bank of Queensland$0"BOQ Group's lending portfolio has no exposure to fossil fuel power generation and minimal exposure to equipment directly used in the extraction of fossil fuels.
Since 2018 the Group has made a commitment to no further financing of equipment directly involved in the extraction of fossil fuels. As at 31 August 2023, our exposure was $4.60 million, representing 0.006 per cent of lending and we are on track to cease funding equipment directly involved in the extraction of fossil fuels in 2024."
Thank them
Bank of Sydney$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Bank of Us$0"Bank of us has no direct investment in fossil fuels. Personal banking & lending services are our primary focus. As a customer owned bank, we’re not trying to balance the interests of shareholders with the interests of customers. Our customers are our owners, and we reinvest our profits into the business."Thank them
Bank Orange$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
BankVic$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
BankWAW$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
BCU Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Bendigo Bank$0"Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
Beyond Bank$0"...we don't have any current lending in place for this space, and our approach to lending includes consideration of risks, including impact on the environment and communities."Thank them
BNK Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Border Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Broken Hill Bank$0"Broken Hill Bank does not invest in or lend to the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Cairns Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Central Murray Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Central West Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Coastline Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Community First Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Credit Union SA$0"...we don’t invest or lend funds to organisations supporting the fossil fuel industry, gambling, weapons or tobacco industries. We also support immediate action to reduce climate change and reverse its effects in Australia, and the world."Thank them
Dalby Credit Union$0Owned by Warwick Credit Union, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Warwick Credit Union is a small community Bank and we do not lend for these purposes. Our small commercial lending book comprises of small family businesses."Thank them
Defence Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Dnister$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Family First Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Firefighters Mutual Bank$0"We don’t source money from, or directly lend to, the fossil fuel industry. Plus, all new deposit and home-loan products are certified responsible investments."Thank them
First Option Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
FSCU - Fire Service Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
G&C Mutual Bank$0"1) We have no direct investments in any large scale polluting activity or company. 2) We do not use members funds to finance large greenhouse gas production. 3) We do not use members deposits to directly lend to, buy equity or debt in, any large-scale greenhouse polluting activities from fossil fuel exploration, extraction, production and use."Thank them
Gateway Bank Ltd$0"Gateway will not directly lend to businesses with their primary operations in industries and/or activities with significant demonstrable detrimental impacts on the environment, including but not limited to: Coal, oil and gas exploration, mining or extraction."Thank them
Geelong Bank$0"Geelong Bank is strictly a customer owned bank offering products and services to personal customers only. Geelong Bank does not lend to businesses at all."Thank them
Goulburn Murray Credit Union (GMCU)$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Great Southern Bank$0"We don’t have a corporate lending arm and we do not lend to the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Greater Bank$0"Greater Bank does not invest or lend to companies directly involved in the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Gympie Credit Union$0Owned by Warwick Credit Union, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Warwick Credit Union is a small community Bank and we do not lend for these purposes. Our small commercial lending book comprises of small family businesses."Thank them
Health Professionals Bank$0"We take action on climate change and don’t source money from, or directly lend to, the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Heartland Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Heritage Bank$0“People First Bank, Heritage Bank and People’s Choice Credit Union do not have any equity investments in the fossil fuel sector, nor do we lend directly to companies in those sectors. As a mutual bank, our business banking clients are SMEs [small and medium enterprises] rather than large corporate entities."Thank them
Hiver$0 "We don't accept money from, or lend to, the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Horizon Bank$0"Horizon Bank is a responsible and influential environmental citizen. As such, Horizon Bank does not directly invest in, or provide loans to, any company in the fossil fuel, gambling, tobacco or arms trading industries. If you are uncertain of a financial institutions position on this issue, you can visit Market Forces." Thank them
Hume Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Illawarra Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
IMB Bank$0"IMB's investment policy precludes investment by IMB in shares and therefore IMB does not hold and shares in companies such as those you describe [in the fossil fuel industry]. IMB does not have any equity investments in the fossil fuel sector. IMB Treasury does not have any direct investments in the fossil fuel sector."Thank them
in1bank$0“in1bank is committed to our sustainability goals. We won’t invest or lend our money to the fossil fuel industry.”Thank them
Judo Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
LCU (Laboratories Credit Union)$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
LLL Australia$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
ME Bank$0"Owned by Bank of Queensland, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "BOQ Group's lending portfolio has no exposure to fossil fuel power generation and minimal exposure to equipment directly used in the extraction of fossil fuels.
Since 2018 the Group has made a commitment to no further financing of equipment directly involved in the extraction of fossil fuels. As at 31 August 2023, our exposure was $4.60 million, representing 0.006 per cent of lending and we are on track to cease funding equipment directly involved in the extraction of fossil fuels in 2024."
Thank them
MOVE Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
MyState Bank$0"We have no exposure to, or appetite to lend to fossil fuel coal, oil or gas projects."Thank them
Newcastle Permanent$0"As a regionally-based customer-owned organisation our business was founded on offering retail banking services to individuals, families, and small business. We don’t provide funding to large business, such as those who fund fossil fuels."Thank them
Northern Inland Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
P&N Bank$0"Our commitments: 1. No lending to large-scale activities, projects and industries involved in exploration, extraction, or production of fossil fuels or in electricity generation from fossil fuels."Thank them
People First Bank$0“People First Bank, Heritage Bank and People’s Choice Credit Union do not have any equity investments in the fossil fuel sector, nor do we lend directly to companies in those sectors. As a mutual bank, our business banking clients are SMEs [small and medium enterprises] rather than large corporate entities."Thank them
People's Choice$0“People First Bank, Heritage Bank and People’s Choice Credit Union do not have any equity investments in the fossil fuel sector, nor do we lend directly to companies in those sectors. As a mutual bank, our business banking clients are SMEs [small and medium enterprises] rather than large corporate entities."Thank them
Police Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Police Credit Union$0"As part of our pledge to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner in 2008, we committed to reducing our carbon emissions by at least 5% a year. In 2018, we well exceeded our goal, achieving a self-assessed carbon neutral position, two years ahead of target. From financial year 2021-22, we became Certified Carbon Neutral with Climate Active for our Business Operations. Police Credit Union does not fund fossil fuels."Thank them
Qbank$0“QBANK does not directly lend to or directly invest in projects or businesses involved in the coal, gas and oil sectors.”Thank them
Qudos Bank$0"As a customer owned bank, the environment and our community is important to us and by banking with us you can be confident that your deposits are invested ethically. We don’t directly invest in or lend to businesses whose primary purpose harms people, animals, society, or the environment, such as fossil fuels"Thank them
Queensland Country Bank$0"Queensland Country Bank chooses to not directly invest in, or finance, fossil fuel extraction and energy production from coal, oil or gas."Thank them
RACQ Bank$0"RACQ Bank does not lend to or invest directly in companies involved in the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Regional Australia Bank$0"Responsible financial management teamed with strong environmental credentials means that our members take comfort in knowing that we do not lend to, or invest in mining industries."Thank them
Rural Bank$0Owned by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
SERVICE ONE Alliance Bank$0Owned by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
Southern Cross Credit Union$0"Southern Cross Credit Union does not support investment in the fossil fuel industry. Our commitment to sustainability is embedded in many aspects of our business and we are constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise our environmental impact."Thank them
Summerland Bank$0"We do not directly invest in, or lend to, organisations involved in coal seam gas or fossil fuel exploration/export."Thank them
SWSbank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Teachers Mutual Bank$0"We do not directly invest in or source money from the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
The Capricornian$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
The Mac (Macarthur Credit Union)$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
The Mutual Bank$0"The Mutual Bank does not invest directly in the fossil fuel industry, nor are we directly involved in financing large scale mining projects that cause harm to our natural environment."Thank them
Traditional Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Transport Mutual Credit Union$0"TMCU acts with social and ethical responsibility. As such, the Credit Union will not contribute to social harm by accepting deposits from, or lending funds to, any organisation directly associated with, or having potential exposure to, industries such as fossil fuels"Thank them
UniBank$0"At UniBank we don’t directly invest in the fossil fuel industry. That means your money is not directly lent to or invested in the fossil fuel industry and money we lend you will never come from the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Unity Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Up bank$0Owned by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
Warwick Credit Union$0"Warwick Credit Union is a small community Bank and we do not lend for these purposes. Our small commercial lending book comprises of small family businesses."Thank them
Woolworths Team Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
NameFunding in 2023Position on funding fossil fuelsTake action
abal banking (Arab Bank Australia)$549.8m$2 billion committed since 2016

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Adelaide Bank$0"Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
Alex Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
AMP$0"AMP Bank (...) does not provide business or corporate banking services to industries."Thank them
ANZ$2.6b$35 billion committed since 2016

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Australian Military Bank$0"Australian Military Bank does not invest in or lend to businesses involved in unethical investments or sectors that are harmful to the environment, such as the coal/fossil fuel industries."Thank them
Australian Mutual Bank$0"Australian Mutual Bank will avoid the provision of financial support to individuals or businesses whose activities are deemed detrimental or destructive to the environment, or harmful to members of society. Examples of such activities are: Fossil fuel (coal, oil and gas) projects..."Thank them
Australian Unity$0"Australian Unity Bank does not do commercial lending and isn’t a lender to the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Auswide Bank$0"Auswide Bank does not finance companies engaged principally in the exploration, mining, manufacture or export of thermal coal or coal seam gas. We do not intentionally invest directly in companies specialising in these areas."Thank them
Avenue Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Bank Australia$0"We don’t lend to coal, gas or oil extraction or fossil fuel electricity generation. For several years, we’ve had a strong position on not lending to the fossil fuel industry. We made this commitment in response to our customers’ desire to see us take action on climate change, and the majority of our customers support this position."Thank them
Bank First$0"The fact that Bank First doesn’t make political donations or invest in fossil fuels is reason enough for some Members to choose Bank First.."Thank them
Bank of China$21.7b$201.9 billion committed since 2016

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Bank of MelbourneN/AOwned by Westpac, which funds fossil fuels

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Bank of Queensland$0"BOQ Group's lending portfolio has no exposure to fossil fuel power generation and minimal exposure to equipment directly used in the extraction of fossil fuels.
Since 2018 the Group has made a commitment to no further financing of equipment directly involved in the extraction of fossil fuels. As at 31 August 2023, our exposure was $4.60 million, representing 0.006 per cent of lending and we are on track to cease funding equipment directly involved in the extraction of fossil fuels in 2024."
Thank them
Bank of Sydney$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Bank of Us$0"Bank of us has no direct investment in fossil fuels. Personal banking & lending services are our primary focus. As a customer owned bank, we’re not trying to balance the interests of shareholders with the interests of customers. Our customers are our owners, and we reinvest our profits into the business."Thank them
Bank Orange$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
BankSAN/AOwned by Westpac, which funds fossil fuels

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BankVic$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
BankWAW$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
BankwestN/AOwned by Commonwealth Bank, which funds fossil fuels

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BCU Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Bendigo Bank$0"Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
Beyond Bank$0"...we don't have any current lending in place for this space, and our approach to lending includes consideration of risks, including impact on the environment and communities."Thank them
BNK Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Border Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Broken Hill Bank$0"Broken Hill Bank does not invest in or lend to the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Cairns Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Central Murray Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Central West Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
CitiN/AOwned by NAB, which funds fossil fuels

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Coastline Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Commonwealth Bank$853.2m$23.9 billion committed since 2016. CommBank has restricted its lending to fossil fuel expansion following a 2024 policy update in a huge win for people and the environment, but remaining loopholes mean it continues to finance climate-wrecking coal and gas expanders like APA Group and Glencore.

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Community First Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Credit Union SA$0"...we don’t invest or lend funds to organisations supporting the fossil fuel industry, gambling, weapons or tobacco industries. We also support immediate action to reduce climate change and reverse its effects in Australia, and the world."Thank them
Dalby Credit Union$0Owned by Warwick Credit Union, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Warwick Credit Union is a small community Bank and we do not lend for these purposes. Our small commercial lending book comprises of small family businesses."Thank them
Defence Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Dnister$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Family First Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Firefighters Mutual Bank$0"We don’t source money from, or directly lend to, the fossil fuel industry. Plus, all new deposit and home-loan products are certified responsible investments."Thank them
First Option Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
FSCU - Fire Service Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
G&C Mutual Bank$0"1) We have no direct investments in any large scale polluting activity or company. 2) We do not use members funds to finance large greenhouse gas production. 3) We do not use members deposits to directly lend to, buy equity or debt in, any large-scale greenhouse polluting activities from fossil fuel exploration, extraction, production and use."Thank them
Gateway Bank Ltd$0"Gateway will not directly lend to businesses with their primary operations in industries and/or activities with significant demonstrable detrimental impacts on the environment, including but not limited to: Coal, oil and gas exploration, mining or extraction."Thank them
Geelong Bank$0"Geelong Bank is strictly a customer owned bank offering products and services to personal customers only. Geelong Bank does not lend to businesses at all."Thank them
Goulburn Murray Credit Union (GMCU)$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Great Southern Bank$0"We don’t have a corporate lending arm and we do not lend to the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Greater Bank$0"Greater Bank does not invest or lend to companies directly involved in the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Gympie Credit Union$0Owned by Warwick Credit Union, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Warwick Credit Union is a small community Bank and we do not lend for these purposes. Our small commercial lending book comprises of small family businesses."Thank them
Health Professionals Bank$0"We take action on climate change and don’t source money from, or directly lend to, the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Heartland Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Heritage Bank$0“People First Bank, Heritage Bank and People’s Choice Credit Union do not have any equity investments in the fossil fuel sector, nor do we lend directly to companies in those sectors. As a mutual bank, our business banking clients are SMEs [small and medium enterprises] rather than large corporate entities."Thank them
Hiver$0 "We don't accept money from, or lend to, the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Horizon Bank$0"Horizon Bank is a responsible and influential environmental citizen. As such, Horizon Bank does not directly invest in, or provide loans to, any company in the fossil fuel, gambling, tobacco or arms trading industries. If you are uncertain of a financial institutions position on this issue, you can visit Market Forces." Thank them
HSBC$19.4b$266.3 billion committed since 2016

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Hume Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Illawarra Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
IMB Bank$0"IMB's investment policy precludes investment by IMB in shares and therefore IMB does not hold and shares in companies such as those you describe [in the fossil fuel industry]. IMB does not have any equity investments in the fossil fuel sector. IMB Treasury does not have any direct investments in the fossil fuel sector."Thank them
in1bank$0“in1bank is committed to our sustainability goals. We won’t invest or lend our money to the fossil fuel industry.”Thank them
ING$18.8b$147.9 billion committed since 2016

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Judo Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
LCU (Laboratories Credit Union)$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
LLL Australia$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Macquarie Bank$1.3b$5.8 billion committed since 2016

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ME Bank$0Owned by Bank of Queensland, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "BOQ Group's lending portfolio has no exposure to fossil fuel power generation and minimal exposure to equipment directly used in the extraction of fossil fuels.
Since 2018 the Group has made a commitment to no further financing of equipment directly involved in the extraction of fossil fuels. As at 31 August 2023, our exposure was $4.60 million, representing 0.006 per cent of lending and we are on track to cease funding equipment directly involved in the extraction of fossil fuels in 2024."
Thank them
MOVE Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
MyState Bank$0"We have no exposure to, or appetite to lend to fossil fuel coal, oil or gas projects."Thank them
NAB$2.4b$23.2 billion committed since 2016

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Newcastle Permanent$0"As a regionally-based customer-owned organisation our business was founded on offering retail banking services to individuals, families, and small business. We don’t provide funding to large business, such as those who fund fossil fuels."Thank them
Northern Inland Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
P&N Bank$0"Our commitments: 1. No lending to large-scale activities, projects and industries involved in exploration, extraction, or production of fossil fuels or in electricity generation from fossil fuels."Thank them
People First Bank$0“People First Bank, Heritage Bank and People’s Choice Credit Union do not have any equity investments in the fossil fuel sector, nor do we lend directly to companies in those sectors. As a mutual bank, our business banking clients are SMEs [small and medium enterprises] rather than large corporate entities."Thank them
People's Choice$0“People First Bank, Heritage Bank and People’s Choice Credit Union do not have any equity investments in the fossil fuel sector, nor do we lend directly to companies in those sectors. As a mutual bank, our business banking clients are SMEs [small and medium enterprises] rather than large corporate entities."Thank them
Police Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Police Credit Union$0"As part of our pledge to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner in 2008, we committed to reducing our carbon emissions by at least 5% a year. In 2018, we well exceeded our goal, achieving a self-assessed carbon neutral position, two years ahead of target. From financial year 2021-22, we became Certified Carbon Neutral with Climate Active for our Business Operations. Police Credit Union does not fund fossil fuels."Thank them
Qbank$0“QBANK does not directly lend to or directly invest in projects or businesses involved in the coal, gas and oil sectors.”Thank them
Qudos Bank$0"As a customer owned bank, the environment and our community is important to us and by banking with us you can be confident that your deposits are invested ethically. We don’t directly invest in or lend to businesses whose primary purpose harms people, animals, society, or the environment, such as fossil fuels"Thank them
Queensland Country Bank$0"Queensland Country Bank chooses to not directly invest in, or finance, fossil fuel extraction and energy production from coal, oil or gas."Thank them
Rabobank$5.8b$31.8 billion committed since 2016

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RACQ Bank$0"RACQ Bank does not lend to or invest directly in companies involved in the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
RAMSN/AOwned by Westpac, which funds fossil fuels

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Regional Australia Bank$0"Responsible financial management teamed with strong environmental credentials means that our members take comfort in knowing that we do not lend to, or invest in mining industries."Thank them
Rural Bank$0Owned by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
SERVICE ONE Alliance Bank$0Owned by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
Southern Cross Credit Union$0"Southern Cross Credit Union does not support investment in the fossil fuel industry. Our commitment to sustainability is embedded in many aspects of our business and we are constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise our environmental impact."Thank them
St GeorgeN/AOwned by Westpac, which funds fossil fuels

Tell them to stop

Summerland Bank$0"We do not directly invest in, or lend to, organisations involved in coal seam gas or fossil fuel exploration/export."Thank them
Suncorp BankN/AOwned by ANZ, which funds fossil fuels

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SWSbank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Teachers Mutual Bank$0"We do not directly invest in or source money from the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
The Capricornian$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
The Mac (Macarthur Credit Union)$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
The Mutual Bank$0"The Mutual Bank does not invest directly in the fossil fuel industry, nor are we directly involved in financing large scale mining projects that cause harm to our natural environment."Thank them
Traditional Credit Union$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Transport Mutual Credit Union$0"TMCU acts with social and ethical responsibility. As such, the Credit Union will not contribute to social harm by accepting deposits from, or lending funds to, any organisation directly associated with, or having potential exposure to, industries such as fossil fuels"Thank them
UBankN/AOwned by NAB, which funds fossil fuels

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UniBank$0"At UniBank we don’t directly invest in the fossil fuel industry. That means your money is not directly lent to or invested in the fossil fuel industry and money we lend you will never come from the fossil fuel industry."Thank them
Unity Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position
Up bank$0Owned by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, which does not lend to fossil fuels: "Our Bank does not and will not provide finance directly to projects or large scale electricity generation in the following sectors: Coal; Coal seam gas; Crude Oil; Natural gas; Native forest logging."Thank them
Warwick Credit Union$0"Warwick Credit Union is a small community Bank and we do not lend for these purposes. Our small commercial lending book comprises of small family businesses."Thank them
Westpac$1b$14.9 billion committed since 2016

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Woolworths Team Bank$0No position statement provided to Market ForcesRequest position

Note: While we strive to be as comprehensive as possible, our data may not capture every single instance of a bank’s fossil fuel lending, particularly for smaller amounts. See our methodology for more detail.

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