Home > QBE customers leaving insurer due to fossil fuel support

QBE customers leaving insurer due to fossil fuel support

22 October 2018

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Market Forces has compiled videos of QBE customers from all over Australia calling on the insurer to end its investment in and insuring of coal, oil and gas companies. The customers pledge to leave the insurer until it stops fueling global warming.

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Despite having its profits hit by extreme weather, QBE continues to insure the expansion of the industries fueling heatwaves, floods, bushfire and storms.

QBE’s role as an insurance company is to help reduce and manage risk for its customers. It is not fulfilling this role if it is underwriting and funding the industries most responsible for global warming.

We’re calling on QBE to:

  • Rule out underwriting any further coal, oil and gas extraction, transportation and infrastructure projects, including Adani Carmichael;
  • Divest from fossil fuel assets in its investment portfolio; and
  • Advocate publicly and actively for policies that will rapidly reduce carbon emissions and phase out fossil fuel use.

Take action, contact QBE using the form below and share our video widely:
