This report has been replaced with an updated version. See the new Banking Climate Failure report here.
Indika Energy

Investor | Ownership (%) | Date |
1. PT Indika Inti Ivestindo | 37.79 | 31 Mar 2019 |
2. PT Teladan Resources | 30.65 | 31 Mar 2019 |
3. Danu (Eddy Junaedy) | 1.58 | 31 Mar 2019 |
4. Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P. | 1.06 | 31 May 2019 |
5. BlackRock Institutional Trust Company | 0.54 | 30 Jun 2019 |
6. Mellon Investments Corporation | 0.21 | 30 Jun 2019 |
7. Lasmono (Agus) | 0.19 | 31 Mar 2019 |
8. First Trust Advisors L.P. | 0.18 | 30 Jun 2019 |
9. Manulife Asset Management | 0.16 | 31 Sep 2018 |
10. APG Asset Management | 0.10 | 31 Dec 2018 |
Bond: Jan 2013: US$500 Million
- Citigroup: Joint Bookrunner and Lead Manager
- Standard Chartered: Joint Bookrunner and Lead Manager
- UBS: Joint Bookrunner and Lead Manager
Bond: Apr 2017: US$265M
- Notes by region: Asia 65%, US 19%, Europe and Middle East 16%.
- Notes by investor type: fund managers took 82%, banks/private banks took 11% and pension/insurance accounts took 7%.
Bond: Nov 2017: US$575M
- Citigroup: Joint Bookrunner
- Standard Chartered: Joint Bookrunner
- Notes by region: Asia 50%, US 29%, Europe 21%.
- Notes by investor type: Fund and Asset managers 92%, banks and private banks 7%, and insurers, pensions and others 1%.
PLEASE NOTE: Information comes from the companies’ available annual reports in English and websites, as well as other public and subscription-based information sources.
Occasionally, where information is incomplete, assumptions must be made about data and these were made in a consistent manner and in good faith. While we endeavoured to gather and include all relevant deals, we cannot guarantee the completeness of the information presented.
Last Updated: 16 August 2019