20 October 2020 Origin Energy took advantage of the COVID-19 situation to stifle shareholders' rights to challenge the company at its annual general meeting today. After taking questions from shareholders for less than 40 minutes, Origin Chair Gordon Cairns refused to...
Macquarie fails to commit to coal and gas phase outs
30 July 2020 Major Australian financial institution Macquarie was today challenged over its involvement in the coal and gas industries, and the risks this poses to shareholders, communities and the environment. Macquarie claims its "lending exposures to [the coal]...
Investors support stronger climate risk disclosure at Origin Energy AGM
18 October 2017 A shareholder resolution coordinated by Market Forces, calling for improvements to Origin Energy’s climate risk disclosure received significant support from institutional investors, garnering 13.77% of shareholder votes, despite the board’s opposition....
Origin Energy: the greenwash is strong in this one
19 October 2016 Origin Energy, one of the top three dirtiest power companies in Australia, held its annual general meeting today. The board dodged and weaved questions on fracking, fugitive emissions and 2C commitments, while hiding behind their measly renewable...