10 December 2021 Washington H Soul Pattinson (WHSP) owns 40% of Australian thermal coal miner New Hope, and the two companies share a number of directors, including Chair Rob Millner. New Hope is pursuing the highly controversial New Acland Stage 3 coal mine in...
New Hope’s largest shareholder says it doesn’t need to think about net-zero by 2050
9 December 2020 The largest shareholder of Australian thermal coal mining company New Hope, Washington H Soul Pattinson, fielded a number of shareholder questions on the shift away from coal-fired power generation required to avoid the worst impacts of climate change....
Soul Patts shuts down AGM rather than answer questions on coal and climate change
6 December 2019 Washington H Soul Pattinson went to extraordinary lengths to avoid questions on coal and climate change at its annual general meeting today, pushing all questions to the end of the meeting before shutting the entire AGM down after just a few questions....
Washington H. Soul Pattinson flies the coal flag and tells concerned shareholders to “sell their shares”
7 December 2018 "We continue to believe in the long term need and demand for coal" the CEO of Washington H. Soul Pattinson (WHSP), Todd Barlow told shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM) in Sydney today. It quickly became clear that climate change...