15 November 2021 Australia's oil and gas exploration and production companies are being challenged by shareholders over the incompatibility of their expansions plans with global climate goals. With a number of these companies having held their AGMs recently, a...
Communities in North West NSW tell NAB: stop funding expansion of gas industry
25 May 2021 Today, banking executives and staff leafing through the pages of Australia’s most widely read business newspaper, the Australian Financial Review, can’t have missed this powerful message: Full page ad in the AFR targeting NAB from North West Alliance The...
IEA’s net zero pathway confirms no room for expanding fossil fuel industry
19 May 2021 Yesterday the International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous policy adviser to the world's governments, released a landmark new report, outlining a roadmap to achieve net zero emissions (NZE) within the global energy sector by 2050. There are a number of...
IEA’s ‘sustainable recovery’ document undermines its leader’s climate ambition
19 June 2020 Yesterday the International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous policy adviser to the world's governments, released its 'sustainable recovery plan' in response to COVID-19. The plan focused on "quantify[ing] the economic and job-creation potential of...