Media Release: Coal funding dries up but $17bn funneled to fossil fuels by ‘Big Four’ banks since Paris Agreement
Monday 24 July, 2017: New analysis from environmental finance group Market Forces today reveals Australia’s Big Four banks have lent $17 billion dollars to expand the fossil fuel industry since declaring their commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement of keeping the...
Media Release: Australia’s banks’ $10 billion fossil fuel funding flouts climate pledges
Australia’s banks’ $10 billion fossil fuel funding flouts climate pledges MONDAY 6 MARCH, 2017: New analysis by finance group Market Forces reveals Australia’s ‘big four’ provided almost $10 billion in finance to fossil fuels across the planet in 2016 – three and a...
Big banks loaned $10 billion to fossil fuels in 2016
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Renewables lending plummets as Katter calls for coal funding
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