6 October 2020
2020 has seen some significant shifts in how super funds are dealing with climate change and the risks it poses, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars being withdrawn from some of Australia’s dirtiest companies. Millions more Australians no longer have their retirement savings invested in these companies that are actively undermining the Paris climate goals.
However, it’s still a matter of ‘not enough super funds, and not enough divestment’. In this post we’ll talk you through some of the major changes this year and what we’ve learned as we aim for widespread and comprehensive fossil fuel divestment.
Importantly, we’ve seen some of the biggest super funds in the country release new climate policies in the last six months. Three of the largest 15 funds have recently divested from companies whose main business is mining coal for power generation (known as thermal coal), such as Whitehaven Coal and New Hope Group.
This means 8 of the largest 40 super funds – Aware Super, Hesta, UniSuper, Suncorp, NGS Super, Vision Super, Local Government Super, and Media Super – now exclude these thermal coal miners. Local Government and NGS also exclude investments in coal power generators like AGL, and Suncorp will do this by 2025.
If your fund hasn’t taken this most basic first step is clearly being left behind. And ‘left behind’ isn’t a place where super funds want to be when it comes to managing climate risk – just ask Rest Super, which is facing lawsuit on this very issue!
When it comes to other fossil fuels, one top 40 super fund, Suncorp, has announced a plan to phase down its investments in oil and gas production to zero by 2040. This policy will eventually see divestment from companies like Woodside, Santos and Origin Energy, whose oil and gas expansion plans are totally inconsistent with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement.
There are of course a number of smaller super funds that don’t invest in fossil fuels at all, which has them clearly leading the way on climate action. These funds are included at the bottom of the table to provide examples of comprehensive coal, oil and gas exclusion policies.
Take action
Where does your super fund stand?
Top 40 super funds
Fund | Coal exclusions | Oil and gas exclusions | Take action |
ACSRF | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
AMP | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
ANZ OnePath | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
AustralianSuper | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4- None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Aware Super | 3 - Minimal Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope Invests in: BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
BTFG | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
CareSuper | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Catholic Super | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Cbus | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Colonial First State | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
CommBank Group Super | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Commonwealth Super Corp | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
EnergySuper | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
equipsuper | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
HESTA | 3 - Minimal Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope Invests in: BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
HOSTPlus | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
IOOF | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
LGIAsuper | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Local Government Super | 2 - Some Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, AGL & Origin Invests in: BHP | 3 - Minimal Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
LUCRF | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Macquarie | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Media Super | 3 - Minimal Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope Invests in: BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Mercer | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Mine Wealth and Wellbeing | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
MLC | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
MTAA Super | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Netwealth Super | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
NGS Super | 2 - Some Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, AGL & Origin Invests in: BHP | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
PostSuper | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Qantas Super | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
QSuper | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
REST | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Russell Investments | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Statewide Super | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Suncorp | 1 - Comprehensive (plan) Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin But will divest by 2025 | 2 - Some (plan) Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin But will divest by 2040 | Contact fund |
Sunsuper | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Tasplan Super | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Telstra Super | 4 - None Invests in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Unisuper | 3 - Minimal Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope Invests in: BHP, AGL & Origin | 4 - None Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Vision Super | 3 - Minimal Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope Invests in: BHP, AGL & Origin | 3 - Minimal Invests in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Fossil fuel free fund examples
Fund | Coal exclusions | Oil and gas exclusions | Take action |
Australian Ethical | 1 - Comprehensive Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 1 - Comprehensive Does not invest in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Future Super | 1 - Comprehensive Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 1 - Comprehensive Does not invest in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Verve Super | 1 - Comprehensive Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 1 - Comprehensive Does not invest in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Cruelty Free Super | 1 - Comprehensive Does not invest in: Whitehaven Coal, New Hope, BHP, AGL & Origin | 1 - Comprehensive Does not invest in: Woodside, Santos, Oil Search, Origin | Contact fund |
Read the methodology and information about these tables
What we’ve learned and how it can help shift your super fund
- Member pressure is powerful. Start by contacting your fund on this page, and we’ll work with you and other members to ramp up the pressure!
Major recent improvements in super funds’ approaches to climate change have come after members have stepped up their calls for action.
We want to help you drive the next wave of fossil fuel divestment, so once you’ve taken the first step of contacting your fund through the form on this page, we’ll get in touch to find out how the fund responded and discuss plans to increase the pressure. You can also amplify the impact of your action by sharing it on social media, and encouraging friends, family, and anyone who will listen to join you in taking action.
The Market Forces-led UniSuper Divest campaign has seen more than 12,000 members join the call for their fund to dump dirty fossil fuel investments since January 2020. While the fund’s response so far leaves plenty of room for improvement, the campaign has already brought about divestment from thermal coal mining companies and a net-zero 2050 commitment.
Similarly, the recent Hesta and Aware Super climate policy shifts followed thousands of members engaging in campaigns run by Market Forces, Healthy Futures, and Doctors for the Environment Australia. Members of industry super funds will have many fellow members among your colleagues and wider industries. That leaves you perfectly placed to spread the word and build a groundswell of members calling on a fund to divest fossil fuels.
We also know thousands of super fund members have made the decision to ditch their fund over climate inaction, choosing to shift their retirement savings to a fund that won’t invest their money in the coal, oil and gas companies that are undermining our chances of a stable climate future.
- Some funds are finally realising engagement with pure fossil fuel companies is futile. Has your fund shifted its thinking?
While there is plenty more work to be done to get these funds to apply the same thinking to oil and gas companies, it’s great to see member pressure has helped force funds to rapidly shift their thinking.
Our Out of Line, Out of Time report identifies the 22 companies that have failed to respond to investor engagement, and continue to actively undermine the Paris goals. You can see how much your super fund invests in these companies and take action on our Super funds table.
If your super fund is still clinging to the idea that it can engage with these companies to address climate change, you need to point out that it is quickly being left behind.
- Long term goals can mask near term inaction.
Members are making it very clear to their funds that targets without immediate action to withdraw investment from the most polluting companies and industries are not good enough. As you push your super fund to lift its climate action game, be sure to set this expectation, and beware of long term goals being used to mask near term inaction!
Some funds, including Hesta, Aware Super, Cbus and UniSuper, have set targets to reduce the carbon emissions of their investment portfolios, including ‘net-zero by 2050’ along with some nearer term targets.
These targets are important, particularly those that require near term action (such as Aware Super’s target to reduce portfolio emissions by 30% by 2023), as they will require funds to either force companies to decrease emissions, or reduce their own investment exposure to those companies. This is particularly significant for major carbon polluters like AGL and Origin Energy.
However, super funds’ near-term emission reduction targets do not currently account for the emissions generated by the use of products sold by companies they invest in, known as scope 3 emissions. For example, gas producer Woodside’s scope 3 emissions in 2019 were more than 8 times larger than its operational emissions (scope 1 + 2), but these scope 3 emissions wouldn’t be covered by super funds’ current emission reduction targets.
Tell your super fund it must account for fossil fuels producers’ downstream emissions in any portfolio decarbonisation plans. This must be done by setting targets to reduce exposure to fossil fuel reserves, or putting in place plans to reduce investment in oil and gas producers over time, as Suncorp has done.
Take action – demand a comprehensive coal, oil and gas exit plan from your super fund
Taking it to the next level
One super fund member has also taken the extraordinary step of taking a $50 billion super fund to court.
Mark McVeigh used Market Forces’ research to find out his super fund, Rest, was falling short of his expectations and lagging other funds on climate change. He has since launched a legal action, claiming the fund has failed to appropriately consider and manage the risks climate change poses to members’ retirement savings.
The case will be heard in early November, so watch this space for a court ruling on how super funds should be acting on climate risk.

Table methodology
Table shows the fund-wide investment exclusion policies (based on information publicly available on funds’ websites as at 29 September 2020) of the top 40 Australian super funds by assets under management, according to the latest APRA Superannuation Statistics.
Four fossil fuel-free super funds, which are outside the top 40, are also presented to provide examples of comprehensive coal, oil and gas exclusion policies.
Coal exclusion policy categories:
- Comprehensive – Fund-wide policy to exclude investments in companies deriving any revenue from thermal or coking coal mining, transport, or coal power generation
- Some – Fund-wide policy to exclude investments in companies deriving 33% (or lower threshold) of revenue from thermal coal mining, or coal power generation
- Minimal – Fund-wide policy to exclude investments in companies deriving 33% (or lower threshold) of revenue from thermal coal mining
- None – No fund-wide exclusion policy
Oil and gas exclusion policy categories:
- Comprehensive – Fund-wide policy to exclude investments in companies deriving any revenue from oil and gas production, power generation, refining / processing, or transport
- Some – Fund-wide policy to exclude investments in companies deriving 33% (or lower threshold) of revenue from oil and gas production
- Minimal – Fund-wide policy to exclude investments in companies deriving 33% (or lower threshold) from tar sand oil production and / or arctic oil extraction
- None – No fund-wide exclusion policy
The information provided by Market Forces does not constitute financial advice. The information is presented in order to inform people motivated by environmental concerns and take actions based on those concerns. Market Forces is organising data for environmental ends.
The information and actions provided by Market Forces do not account for any individual’s personal objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be used, relied upon, or treated as a substitute for specific professional advice.
Market Forces recommends all users obtain their own independent professional advice before making any decision relating to their particular requirements or circumstances. Switching super funds may have unintended financial consequences.
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