MEDIA RELEASE Tuesday 28 May: A new Market Forces report reveals Australia’s top 30 super funds have more than $39 billion invested in companies globally with the biggest fossil fuel expansion plans. Investments in this group of 190 companies - dubbed The Climate...
Super funds can stop fuelling the climate change fire
OPINION | Brett Morgan, Superannuation Funds Campaigner At long last, some superannuation funds are taking a stand to end investment in companies expanding fossil fuels. Yet most funds are prolonging the life of industries that are driving us towards irreversible...
Solidarity with Ukraine, and shame on the institutions investing our money in the invasion
Market Forces stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, who have been subjected to a brutal and illegal invasion perpetrated by the Russian military. We are also appalled that the custodians of our money, governments and financial institutions, have used...
Mark’s historic super fund legal win
5 November 2020 You may have seen the news this week about 25-year-old Brisbane ecologist Mark McVeigh, who won a historic legal battle against his $57 billion super fund, Rest, over climate change. What you may not know is that Mark used Market Forces’ research and...
Super funds are slowly moving on climate action – are your retirement savings still invested in climate destruction?
6 October 2020 2020 has seen some significant shifts in how super funds are dealing with climate change and the risks it poses, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars being withdrawn from some of Australia’s dirtiest companies. Millions more Australians no...
Do you own a piece of these dirty fossil fuel projects?
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