MUFG, Japan's largest bank and the world’s top LNG financier from 2021 to 2023, has brazenly stepped into the role of financial advisor for the controversial Papua LNG project. This venture, led by Total Energies, ExxonMobil, Santos, and ENEOS (JX Nippon), has already...
Communities and CSOs worldwide send an open letter to JPX and investors on JERA’s disregard for community stakeholders
MEDIA RELEASE (英文に続き、日本語表記がございます) 22 October 2024: Market Forces, communities, and civil society organisations worldwide have sent an open letter to the Japan Exchange Group (JPX) and to asset managers to raise concerns about thermal power producer JERA's governance,...
Asia’s corporate giants face climate responsibility perfect storm
OPINION | Dr Sachiko Suzuki, Asia Climate and Energy Analyst at Market Forces Dr Suzuki is a sustainable finance expert and has previously worked for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), posted in South East Asia. Companies in Asia have been getting away...
Global investors want more climate action from Japan’s megabanks
OPINION | Will van de Pol, CEO at Market Forces Japan's big banks have a big problem. Like climate change, it will get much worse unless it is addressed quickly. The megabanks are lagging behind when it comes to playing their part in the critical transition to clean...
Global week of action targets MUFG’s fossil fuel financing
MEDIA RELEASE Wednesday 29 May: Environment groups from several countries worldwide are launching a global week of action against Japan’s largest bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) under the theme "Banking Betrayal: MUFG is Funding our Demise." This...
ANZ rules out Papua LNG, leaves the door open to fund climate wrecking companies
This week ANZ announced that it would no longer provide direct financing to new or expanded oil and gas fields, new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export plants, and won’t bank any oil and gas company not already on their books. The announcement means that all big four...
Southeast asian banks must dump Indonesian coal
Profusion of standards has allowed companies to obscure potential financial impact
TotalEnergies(トタルエナジーズ )の主要銀行がパプアLNGへの資金提供拒否
ヨーロッパ第3位の銀行である Crédit Agricole(クレディ・アグリコル)は、先週 TotalEnergies(トタルエナジーズ )に対して大きな打撃を与え、トタルエナジーズが提案しているパプア液化天然ガスプロジェクト(パプア LNG)への資金提供をしないと宣言しました。...
TotalEnergies’ bankers deliver major blow to Papua LNG carbon bomb
Crédit Agricole, Europe’s third largest bank, has delivered a major blow to TotalEnergies this week, declaring it will not finance Total’s proposed Papua Liquefied Natural Gas project (Papua LNG). Despite being the financial advisor to the project, and one of...
Japan should lead the way on disclosure of climate risk
Profusion of standards has allowed companies to obscure potential financial impact