20 February 2020 The pressure on Siemens, the German multinational which last month destroyed its reputation over a $30 million contract, offers a cautionary tale about how dangerous business as usual can become if you haven’t noticed that the world around you has...
Siemens AGM dominated by Adani criticism
6 February 2020 With hundreds of protestors chanting outside and an over-the-top security presence inside, Siemens annual general meeting (AGM) in Munich yesterday was dominated by stern criticism, by both institutional investors and ordinary Germans, of Siemens'...
Fact Check: Siemens’ attempt to justify the unjustifiable
21 January 2020 Last week Siemens confirmed it intends to go ahead and do signalling work for Adani’s climate-wrecking Carmichael coal project rail line. Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser attempted to justify this unjustifiable decision with a public statement full of nonsense,...
Siemens chooses Adani over a safe climate
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Media release: Siemens decides to work on Adani Carmichael coal project
Responding to the news that Siemens has decided to continue working on the Adani Carmichael coal export project, Market Forces Executive Director Julien Vincent said: “Siemens’ appalling decision to keep working on Adani’s climate-wrecking coal mine shows...
Siemens, tut das Richtige und sagt nein zu Adani!
Aktivisten protestieren im Brisbane Siemens-Büro Adani hat gerade bekanntgegeben, dass Siemens den Kontrakt erhalten hat, die Signaltechnik für die Bahnstrecke an der Carmichael Kohlenmine zu liefern - das ist ein Projekt, dass das Galilee Kohlebecken zu Zwecken des...
Siemens, do the right thing and walk away from Adani!
Activists protesting inside Siemens Brisbane office. Adani has announced that Siemens has been awarded a contract to deliver rail signaling systems for the rail line to its Carmichael mine - a coal project that would open up the Galilee thermal coal basin to mining...