For immediate release: 18 February 2022 QBE’s willingness to underwrite new oil and gas projects will see it once again face a shareholder resolution, coordinated by Market Forces and co-filed with Australian Ethical, an investor managing over $6.5 billion as of...
IAG Shareholder action
Take Action: Write to IAG and ask it to follow-through on the commitments made at its 2019 annual general meeting. IAG AGM report: 25 October 2019 At its annual general meeting (AGM) in Sydney today, IAG faced...
IAG obscures its fossil fuel investments
25 October 2019 At its annual general meeting (AGM) in Sydney today, IAG faced calls from investors to fully disclose its fossil fuel investment exposure and set targets to reduce that exposure in line with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. IAG's chair said...
Media release: Suncorp shareholders demand phase out of fossil fuel exposure
Thursday, 25 July 2019 Market Forces has lodged a shareholder resolution on behalf of over 100 Suncorp shareholders, calling on the insurer to set targets to reduce its investment and underwriting exposure to coal, oil and gas in line with the Paris Agreement’s goal...
Media release: Chubb’s coal policy has an Australia-sized loophole
July 9, 2019 Chubb’s new restrictions on its underwriting and investments in thermal coal have come under attack from Australia, as groups there call upon the insurer to clarify its stance on the controversial Adani Carmichael coal project. Chubb’s policy rules out...
QBE dumps thermal coal due to global warming
2 April 2019 On Saturday, Australia’s biggest coal underwriter (insurer) took the positive step of committing to phase out its entire thermal coal business by 1 January 2030. QBE also ruled out providing insurance to any new thermal coal mine, power plant or transport...
Media Release: Market Forces welcomes QBE’s end to coal finance
Saturday 30 March, 2019: The announcement today by Australia’s largest insurer, QBE, to end its support for the coal industry has been welcomed by environmental finance group Market Forces. “QBE’s decision to withdraw insurance from the coal industry is business and...
Shareholders pressure QBE to end fossil fuel support
Market Forces Campaigner Pablo Brait ready to deliver the resolution to QBE's Sydney offices, 5 March 2019 Today, shareholders coordinated by Market Forces together with the $2.85 billion investment manager Australian Ethical, lodged a resolution calling on QBE...
QBE shareholders: take action!
Tell QBE you want them to adopt your shareholder resolution on phasing out fossil fuels 5 March 2019 Today, thanks to you, we lodged a shareholder resolution for QBE's annual general meeting co-filed with Australian Ethical, an investment manager with $2.85 billion...
QBE staff get donuts as QBE scores donuts on climate action scorecard
[cs_content][cs_element_section _id="1" ][cs_element_row _id="2" ][cs_element_column _id="3" ][cs_text]Tuesday 4 December 2018 This morning staff arriving at global insurance company QBE’s head office in Sydney were offered free donuts by Market Forces volunteers. The...